Daniels training log is a training logbook including analysis tools for normalization of various training data.
To me a training log is much more than just counting total mileage. Intensities and the amount of specific training is also important information to log and I like the idea of calculating intensity points by quantifying the training as a product of intensity and time. That is why I have generated this workbook - to ease the calculation work - and because this workbook contains calculations based on "Daniels' Running Formula" I call it "Daniels training log".
To have full advantage of this workbook please read the following instructions carefully:
  1. Go to the "Input" sheet and put in your current 10 km estimate or Coopertest (12 min max). The calculated VDOT will then be the default value on every sheet. Enter also your max heart rate!
  2. The sheet called "JD formula" estimates your specific training paces.
  3. The sheets named with numbers (1-53) are representing all the weeks in the year. Start the log by entering your actual VDOT. When you log a workout you can split it up in parts of specific paces. Each split out can be logged in five different ways: 1: Distance - Time. 2: Distance - Pace. 3: Distance - Heart Rate. 4: Time - Pace. 5: Time - Heart Rate. When a week is over enter the number of training sessions you have done.
  4. The compressed worksheet at the end of this book is for a simple calculation of intensity points (iPoints) from week mileage at high and low intensities.
Finally this workbook cannot standalone. To understand "Daniels' Running Formula" you have to buy the book and validate my estimations on your own.
Peder Troldborg
November 08